Sustainable behaviour
We see the protection of human rights and the environment as part of our corporate duty of care. In 2017, we updated and published our "Supplier Code of Conduct" and have been asking suppliers to recognise this code ever since. Our aim is to obtain a binding commitment from everyone, including technical suppliers and service providers, to implement it.
As a part of „Chemie³ – die Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative der deutschen chemischen Industrie“ (sustainability initiative of the chemical industry in Germany) – Worlée-Chemie participated in the project ‘Sustainability in the supply chain’ as a pilot company and has also contributed to the development of guidelines for SMEs. These guidelines are predominantly intended to help SMEs in the chemical industry implement a sustainable supply chain management system.
The pilot project allowed us to collect practical experience in the identification of sustainability aspects in supply chains and to carry out risk analyses for individual phases of the value chain. Business partners from the supply chains identified on this basis were requested to undergo an EcoVadis Assessment. These assessments consider the following criteria: environment, work practices and human rights, fair business practices and sustainable procurement. By the end of 2018, we had contacted approx. 20% of our raw material suppliers and the largest part of the results are already available to us. Our objective is to continuously have additional suppliers assessed until we have covered all of our most important suppliers.
We additionally intend to introduce a complaints office as part of our compliance management.
Our strategy is to procure, as far as possible, the goods and services required at our main business locations in Hamburg, Lauenburg and Lübeck from local suppliers in northern Germany (federal states of SchleswigHolstein, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania).