Using and saving energy efficiently
Every day, huge quantities of our plant-based products leave our warehouse in Hamburg for destinations all across the globe. Of course, the production of our raw materials requires energy. Although this is something we cannot avoid completely, we can try to look and listen to our company with open eyes and ears and scrutinise all of our processes. To rethink, think ahead, have the courage to question established systems and recognise potential ways to increase our energy efficiency.
This is why Worlée NaturProdukte GmbH constantly strives to lower its energy consumption. Many measures have been implemented to improve energy efficiency in recent years and more are planned for the years to come. These include a professional energy management system, the introduction of which has been prepared and planned by a motivated energy management team since the beginning of 2020. Its implementation is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
We are one of the first companies to back the Food Industry Energy Efficiency Networks Initiative, established and supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Technology (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). The initiative was founded in 2018 with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions by over 30,000 tonnes within three years. Through successful energy-saving measures, we have already been able to save 65 tonnes of CO2 over the past three years and will continue to contribute to achieving this goal.
The following energy-saving measures were implemented at our Hamburg site between 2017 and 2020.
- Construction of a new administration and pilot plant building in accordance with the KFW 75 standard
- Energy refurbishment of an administration building from the 1970s
- Conversion of lighting to LED technology in the production and warehouse areas as well as in the existing office floors
- Complete renewal of hardware in the data centre
- Use of district heating from a neighbouring waste disposal plant
- Construction of e-charging stations and purchase of electric and hybrid cars
- Procurement of green electricity from renewable sources
Thanks to our wide-reaching commitment in the field of sustainable energy efficiency, we are also extremely proud to be an environmental partner of the city of Hamburg.